Preparing for the Santa Fe Wool Festival September 28 2023

In one week, I’ll be loading our trailer for the MAVWA Wool Festival in Santa Fe, NM. It’s been a difficult month for us, but we’re still excited to bring all our lovely wool products and more to our customers at the festival. We have lots of new colors, products, and variations of our offerings.
My mom, Pam, is having back problems that will prevent her from attending the festival this year. My kids and husband will be helping me run the booth while my mom and dad stay home. Pam will miss seeing you all, but this was the best decision for her health.
Our garden and orchard produced wonderfully this year, and I've also been busy harvesting and putting up a lot of food this month. On top of that and my mom's back problems, my daughter broke her foot. When it rains it pours, eh?
Look at all those apples!
Pear rings and pear leather in the dehydrator.
Abbey enduring the cast and crutches with fairly good spirits.
I’ve been dyeing up a storm this month. It’s always easiest to do most of the dyeing at once, while I have my tables and equipment set up on our back porch. It is such a lovely location to spend time—I get to overlook my garden and backyard orchard, enjoy the flowers, and listen to the birds. Dyeing is hard work, but a nice setting makes it enjoyable.

We have some new Shetland roving, Rambouillet combed top, and Rambouillet fine-weight yarn colorways. It’s always fulfilling to work with our lovely homegrown Shetland roving, and Rambouillet is such wonderful wool to work with—I’m excited to share the results with you. Don’t forget all our wool is grown in Colorado!

We are offering Navajo Churro this year in our discounted 8 oz roving balls, in addition to the Corriedale and Shetland. I also created multi-colored bundles of odds-and-ends roving that are perfect for any fiber artist looking for color options. These bundles contain a variety of roving thicknesses from all the wool we typically just add to our own personal stash—remnants, the thin roving that first comes off the machine, and others. At a price that can’t be beaten, we think our customers are going to love this new offering.

Don’t forget now is the time to purchase gifts for your friends and family. We will be offering numerous quantity discounts at the festival, so make sure you come by to see us!
- Kelsey