October 5 & 6, 2024 - The Mountain and Valley Wool Festival at Santa Fe
We'll be back at the Mountain and Valley Wool Festival (formerly the Wool Festival at Taos) this year, which will again be held at the Santa Fe Fairgrounds. Our booth will be located inside the vendors' building, which means no matter what the weather brings - rain, snow, or heatwave - you can shop comfortably and we won't be grabbing onto our tents to keep them from blowing away. Come see us!

Locker Hooking Classes
Locker Hooking is a technique that allows you to create beautiful rugs, pillows, saddle blankets, and other products, without a loom or a spinning wheel. With over 30 years of experience with locker hooking, Pam is very knowledgeable about the craft and has many years of experience teaching - she did write the book, after all! Be sure to check out the home furnishings page to see what you can create after you take a class.

There are no classes scheduled at this time. Please contact us if you are interested in either a beginner's class or an intermediate class where we can discuss techniques and patterns.
Please contact us if you want to come out to our farm for either a beginner's class or an intermediate class where we further explore design and techniques.