Shetland Wool Roving, Homegrown Natural Colors 4 oz.
$ 18.00
Colorado-grown Shetland roving in 4 oz hanks, from our flock of heritage Shetland sheep. While there is a huge range in Shetland fleeces, from coarse to fine, we have been breeding Shetlands for 15 years toward softer fleeces with a good handle and staple length - perfect for spinning, Fair Isle knitting, and felting. Their natural rainbow of colors creates a palette of choices for your next fiber project.
We sustainably produce this wool on our three-generation family farm, using rotational grazing, organically produced hay, solar power, non-lethal predator control, and organic methods. We are participating providers with the Shave 'em to Save 'em program from the Livestock Conservancy and our Shetland roving qualifies for a passport sticker.
(Photo sequence: Cover photo, 2017 colors, musket, white, gray, shaela)
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